How you handle your Diamond Arctic Ice is extremely important. Here are 4 tips to ensure your craft ice experience is the best it can be.


Store your craft ice at 0°F - 20°F. If the temperature gets any lower, the ice may become brittle and take longer to temper. 


Tempering allows the ice to warm up before you use it - this prevents cracking when liquid touches the ice. You should temper ice in a refrigerator, ice well, or open air until it becomes clear and wet. Temper times vary based on the storage temperature and where the ice is tempered. You should serve the ice when it is clear or store it in an ice bucket or refrigerator for use within an hour or less.



You should handle the ice with heavy-duty serrated ice tongs. 




You should pour the beverage over the ice rather than dropping the cube into a full glass. Fill your glass to the level of ice to chill the beverage with maximum efficiency and minimal dilution.

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